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Photo Exhibition
Photo Exhibition
"Straycats of Singapore"
By Bian Hui Bin
Hetian Film Productions:

Singapore Chinese Opera Museum
100 Sultan Plaza #01-27, Singapore 199001
Tel: 62923393; Fax: 62927731

MRT地铁: 1)Lavender Station 劳明达(转乘107坐两个站即到门口)
2)Nicoll Highway 尼浩大道(全程防雨走道直到本馆)

BUS 巴士: 107、961、980 (金皇商业大厦门前,in front of Sultan Plaza); 100, 107, 133, 145, 175, 197 (桥北路路头,North Bridge Rd); 2、12、33、133 (维多利亚街马来坟场附近,Victoria St)

The Museum Gallery
Opening hours:
须预约 (Reservation required)
Tel: 62923393
Fax: 62927731

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